Customizing Logos and Images in Contentspace (Deprecated)

The default LiveCycle Contentspace (Deprecated) user interface is displayed with LiveCycle logos, which you may want to replace with images to brand for your organization. For example, you can customize the logo in the header and in each dashboard as shown in the following illustration.

Note: Adobe is migrating Adobe® LiveCycle® Content Services ES customers to the Content Repository built on the modern, modular CRX architecture, acquired during the Adobe acquisition of Day Software. The Content Repository is provided with LiveCycle Foundation and is available as of the LiveCycle ES4 release.

Summary of steps

You must complete these steps to customize the logos and images in Contentspace:

  1. Set up your development environment. (See Setting Up to Customize LiveCycle Contentspace (deprecated).)

  2. Find and replace LiveCycle logos and images. (See Finding and replacing images.)

  3. Deploy your customization. (See Deploying a Customized Contentspace (Deprecated).)

Finding and replacing images

To customize the logo used by Contentspace, replace the existing image file with a new one. All images that are used by Contentspace are packaged in the contentservices.war file. In Contentspace, you determine the name of the image that you want to replace by right-clicking the image and selecting Properties in your web browser to determine the location of the image on the server. You can map this location to the file in the extracted contentservices.war file.

For example, if you right-click the LiveCycle logo image in the header, the URL may be http://lcserver:8080/contentspace/images/logo/AlfrescoLogo32.png. You can determine that the image name is AlfrescoLogo32.png and it is found in the folder images/logo folder.

The following table lists the common images used in Contentspace that you may want to replace.






Image for contentspaces. 32x32 pixels.



Background for Document List. 32x32 pixels.



Background for header in Contentspace. 32x32 pixels.



Background for tasks performed to documents within Contentspace.



Background for About screen.



Background for Microsoft Office plugins.



Icon for the user to configure Contentspace.



Icon for the workspace dashboard header.



Icon for the workspace dashboard header.



Icon for starting the Demo Help.



Icon for starting a tour of Contentspace features.

For the procedure below, the following logo and images are changed:

  • The logo in the upper left header

  • The configure button in the header

  • The image in the panel for the selected space

  • The logos for the selected dashboard

  • The configure button in the dashboard

It is recommended that you use images with the same dimensions (in pixels) and resolution to provide a uniform appearance to the Contentspace user interface. Checking image appearance should be part of your testing.

To find and replace images:

  1. Determine the name and the location of the image that you want to replace by right-clicking the image in Contentspace and selecting Properties in your web browser.

    For example, if you right-click the LiveCycle logo image in the header, the URL may be http://lcserver:8080/contentspace/images/logo/AlfrescoLogo32.png. You can determine that the image name is AlfrescoLogo32.png and it is found in the folder images/logo.

  2. Go to the root level in your development environment and replace each image with one of your own in both the images/icons and images/logos folders.

    For example, replace the AlfrescoLogo32.png with your own in the images/logos folder.

  3. Customize the other images.

    In the images/logo folder, replace each image with your own.

    • AlfrescoLogo32.png

    • AlfrescoLogo32.gif

    • AlfrescoLogo200.png

    In the images/icons folder, replace the following images with your own.

    • configure_dashboard.gif

    • configure_dashboard_large.gif

    • dashboard_large.gif

    • user_console.gif

    • gettingstarted_demontration.gif

    • gettingstarted_featuretour.gif

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