following code example creates a com.adobe.idp.Document object that
is based on a PDF file named map.pdf. This file is located
in the root of the C hard drive. This constructor attempts to set
the MIME content type of the com.adobe.idp.Document object
using the filename extension.
The com.adobe.idp.Document constructor that
accepts a object also accepts a Boolean
parameter. By setting this parameter to true, the com.adobe.idp.Document object
deletes the file. This action means that you do not have to remove
the file after passing it to the com.adobe.idp.Document constructor.
Setting this parameter to false means that you
retain ownership of this file. Setting this parameter to true is
more efficient. The reason is because the com.adobe.idp.Document object
can move the file directly to the local managed area instead of
copying it (which is slower).
Creating a Document object that is based on a PDF file
//Create a Document object based on the map.pdf source file
File mySourceMap = new File("C:\\map.pdf");
Document myPDFDocument = new Document(mySourceMap,true);