Creating a document based on content accessible from an URL

The following Java code example creates a com.adobe.idp.Document object that is based on a PDF file named map.pdf. This file is located within a web application named WebApp that is running on localhost. This constructor attempts to set the com.adobe.idp.Document object’s MIME content type using the content type returned with the URL protocol.

The URL supplied to the com.adobe.idp.Document object is always read at the side where the original com.adobe.idp.Document object is created, as shown in this example:

    Document doc = new Document(new"file:c:/temp/input.pdf"));

The c:/temp/input.pdf file must be located on the client computer (not on the server computer). The client computer is where the URL is read and where the com.adobe.idp.Document object was created.

Creating a document based on content accessible from an URL

//Create a Document object based on a object 
URL myURL = new URL("http", "localhost", 8080,"/WebApp/map.pdf");  
//Create another Document object 
Document myPDFDocument = new Document(myURL);

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