Creating Document Output Streams

About the Output Service

The Output service lets you output documents as PDF (including PDF/A documents), PostScript, Printer Control Language (PCL), and the following label formats:

  • Zebra - ZPL

  • Intermec - IPL

  • Datamax - DPL

  • TecToshiba - TPCL

Using the Output service, you can merge XML form data with a form design and output the document to a network printer or file.

There are two ways in which you can pass a form design (an XDP file) to the Output service. You can either pass a com.adobe.idp.Document instance that contains a form design to the Output service. Or you can pass a URI value that specifies the location of the form design. Both of these ways are discussed in Programming with LiveCycle.

Note: The Output service does not support Acroform PDF documents that contain application object specific scripts. Acroform PDF documents that contain application object specific scripts are not rendered.

The following sections show how to pass a form design to the Output service using a URI value:

The following sections show how to pass a form design within a com.adobe.idp.Document instance:

One consideration when deciding which technique to use is if you are getting the form design from another LiveCycle service, then pass it within a com.adobe.idp.Document instance. Both the Passing Documents to the Output Service and Creating PDF Documents using Fragments sections show how to get a form design from another LiveCycle service. The first section retrieves the form design from Content Services (deprecated). The second section retrieves the form design from the Assembler service.

If you are getting the form design from a fixed location, such as the file system, then you can use either technique. That is, you can specify the URI value to a XDP file or use a com.adobe.idp.Document instance.

To pass a URI value that specifies the location of the form design when creating a PDF document, use the generatePDFOutput method. Likewise, to pass a com.adobe.idp.Document instance to the Output service when creating a PDF document, use the generatePDFOutput2 method.

When sending an output stream to a network printer, you can also use either technique. To send an output stream to a printer by passing a com.adobe.idp.Document instance that contains a form design, use the sendToPrinter2 method. To send an output stream to a printer by passing a URI value, use the sendToPrinter method. The Sending Print Streams to Printers section uses the sendToPrinter method.

You can accomplish these tasks by using the Output service:

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