9.6.3 Configuring SQL Server for manually installed JBoss

To enable JBoss to connect to the SQL Server database that stores LiveCycle data, you must complete the following tasks: Configuring the SQL Server database connectivity

Before you configure the SQL Server data source, you must have the LiveCycle database created on SQL Server. (See Creating a SQL Server database.) Install the SQL database driver for JBoss

  1. Obtain the SQL Server JDBC 3.0 database driver from the Microsoft website.

    Note: Use SQL Server JDBC Driver 3.0 for both Microsoft SQL Server 2005 SP2 and Microsoft SQL Server 2008.
  2. (Windows) Download the *.exe file and run it, and then extract the files to a temporary directory (referred to as the [SQL_root] directory in the remainder of this section).

  3. (Linux) Extract the *.tar.gz files to a temporary directory (referred to as the [SQL_root] directory in the remainder of this section).

  4. Copy the sqljdbc.jar file from the [SQL_root]/sqljdbc_3.0/enu directory to the [appserver root]/server/ <profile_name>/lib directory.

  5. Delete the mysql-connector-java-3.1.12-bin.jar file located in the [appserver root]/server/<profile_name>/lib directory. Edit adobe-ds.xml file

  1. Copy the adobe-ds.xml file from the [DVD_root]/third_party/additional/datasources/lc_sqlserver/deploy directory to the [appserver root]/server/<profile_name>/deploy directory.

  2. Open the adobe-ds.xml file in a text editor and modify the <local-tx-datasource> element with your SQL Server connection settings:

  3. Replace the following values with values that are specific to your database:

    • localhost: The name, IP address, or fully-qualified path of the computer that hosts the database. The default is localhost.

    • 1433: The port used to access the database.

    • adobe: The name of the database that stores the LiveCycle data. You will need to update the default value, adobe, with your database name.

  4. Change the <driver-class> element as follows:

  5. In the lines that follow the <driver-class> settings, locate the user-name and password settings and replace the default values with the user name and password that the application server uses to access your database. Modify the minimum and maximum values for the data source connections:

    • IDP_DS:

    • EDC_DS:

      Note: If your LiveCycle Server handles heavy load, increase the number of maximum JDBC connections to ensure that all jobs are processed. In such cases, increase <max-pool-size> to 50 or more for both IDP_DS and EDC_DS.
  6. Save and close the file. Edit the mssql-ds.xml file

  1. Navigate to the [appserver root]/server/<profile_name>/deploy directory and delete the hsqldb-ds.xml file.

  2. Navigate to the [appserver root]/docs/examples/jca directory and copy the mssql-ds.xml file to the [appserver root]/server/<profile_name>/deploy directory.

  3. Open the mssql-ds.xml file in a text editor and change the <local-tx-datasource> element with your SQL Server connection settings (not necessarily on consecutive lines):

    <datasource-mapping>MS SQLSERVER2000</datasource-mapping> 
    <connection-url>jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;         DatabaseName=MyDatabase</connection-url> 
    <driver-class>com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver             </driver-class> 
    • The <jndi-name> element to DefaultDS

    • The <datasource-mapping> element to MS SQLSERVER2000

    • The Database name MyDatabase to your database name

    • The <user-name>xelement to your user name

    • The <password>y element to your password

      Note: The <datasource-mapping> element should point to MS SQLSERVER2000, even if you are using MS SQL Server 2005.
  4. Save and close the file. Edit the login-config.xml file

  1. Open the [appserver root]/server/<profile_name>/conf/login-config.xml file in a text editor and add the following lines within the <policy> element:

    <application-policy name = "MSSQLDbRealm"> 
        <login-module code = 
        "org.jboss.resource.security.ConfiguredIdentityLoginModule"                  flag = "required"> 
        <module-option name = "principal">adobe</module-option> 
        <module-option name = "userName">adobe</module-option> 
        <module-option name ="password">adobe</module-option> 
        <module-option name = 
        "managedConnectionFactoryName">jboss.jca:service=LocalTxCM,name= DefaultDS             </module-option> 
  2. Replace the bold values with values that are specific to your database.

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. Start JBoss. Configure Integrated Security on Windows

  1. Modify the adobe-ds.xml and mssql-ds.xml files, located in [appserver root]\server\<profile_name>\deploy, to add integratedSecurity=true to the connection URL, as shown in this example:

    <connection-url>jdbc:sqlserver://<serverhost>:<port>; databaseName=<dbname>;integratedSecurity=<true></connection-url>

  2. Add the sqljdbc_auth.dll file to the Windows systems path (C:\Windows) on the computer that is running JBoss. The sqljdbc_auth.dll file is located within the Microsoft SQL JDBC 3.0 driver installation. The default location is [SQL_root]/sqljdbc_3.0/enu/auth/x86 for 32-bit operating systems and [SQL_root]/sqljdbc_3.0/enu/auth/x64 for 64-bit operating systems.

  3. Open the properties for the JBoss for Adobe LiveCycle ES3 service or the JBoss service that you configured, and click the Log On tab.

  4. Select ThisAccount and type the value of a valid user account. This change is not required if you are running JBoss from the command line.

  5. Change SQL Server Security from Mixed mode to Windows Authentication only.

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