5.3 Starting and stopping JBoss

Several procedures in this chapter require you to stop and start the instance of JBoss where you want to deploy the product.

Note: These procedures apply to both the Adobe-preconfigured JBoss and the manually installed JBoss software.

All JBoss start configurations are located in the [appserver root]/server directory. For Adobe-preconfigured JBoss, the start configuration to call depends on the database you have installed, those being lc_mysql, lc_oracle, and lc_sqlserver.

5.3.1 Start JBoss

  1. From a command prompt, go to [appserver root]/bin.

  2. Start the application server by typing the following command:

    • (Windows) run.bat -c [profile_name] -b [server_IP_Address]

    • (Linux and Solaris) ./run.sh -c [profile_name] -b [server_IP_Address]

    where [profile_name] is the configuration required for your database and [server_IP_Address] is the IP address of the server.

    Note: Adobe pre-configured JBoss must be bound to a specific IP address or all interfaces using -b if it is to be accessed remotely. If a hostname or IP address is used, connecting to JBoss with localhost in the URL will not work.

    For example, to start your preconfigured JBoss instance for SQL Server database running on Windows, type:

    run.bat -c lc_sqlserver -b [server_IP_Address]

5.3.2 Stop JBoss

  1. From a command prompt, go to [appserver root]/bin.

  2. Stop the application server by typing the following command:

    • (Windows) shutdown.bat -s [server name]:<jndi -port>

    • (Linux and Solaris) ./shutdown.sh -s [server name]:<jndi -port>

5.3.3 Logon scripts for Linux and Solaris

To prepare the environment for production usage, it is recommended for production use cases that the environment be set up automatically during user login. This requires that the JAVA_HOME and PATH environment variables are set in the users login scripts for the user that the JBoss process will run as.

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