To improve the speed of the installation, you may choose
to disable any on-access virus scanning software for the duration
of the installation.
2.5.2 Installing from network drives
It is recommended that you install LiveCycle only from
the installation media or a local disk drive. Attempting to install
the software over a network results in considerable delays in starting
and installing. It is also likely that installing from a network
drive will add to the length of the directory path, which will cause
the LiveCycle installer to prevent the installation from proceeding.
2.5.3 Manual use of Acrobat restricted
If you installed the PDF Generator for native document
conversion, use of the bundled Acrobat installation is restricted
to the Generate PDF service and is not licensed for any other use.
2.5.4 Temporary directory
LiveCycle requires a temporary directory to store documents
that are larger than the maximum inline size set for document objects.
For detailed information on how you can improve the performance
of your LiveCycle Server by specifying an appropriate value for
this setting, see this blog
on the Document Max Inline Size performance knob.
(AIX, Linux, and Solaris only) If a non-root user is running
the application server, the user must have read, write, and execute
permissions on the specified temporary directory.
Important: (For cluster deployments only) Future
upgrades might fail if you specify a shared network directory as
the temporary directory.