6.2 Preparing WebSphere Application Server

This section describes how to prepare and configure an application server instance for your LiveCycle deployment.

6.2.1 Increase the SOAP request time out

  1. Go to the [appserver root] directory and search for all files named soap.client.props. Multiple files may have this name. For example, on an AIX, Linux, or Solaris server, the following files exist:

    • [appserver root]/profileTemplates/default/documents/properties/soap.client.props

    • [appserver root]/profileTemplates/management/documents/properties/soap.client.props

    • [appserver root]/profiles/<profile_name>/properties/soap.client.props

    • [appserver root]/profiles/<profile_name>/temp/soap.client.props

  2. Open each soap.client.props file in a text editor, find the com.ibm.SOAP.requestTimeout property, and change the value from 180 to 1800.

  3. Save and close each soap.client.props file.

  4. In the navigation tree of the WebSphere Administrative Console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere Application servers and, in the right pane, click the server name.

  5. Under Server Infrastructure, click Administration > Administration Services.

  6. Under Additional Properties, click JMX Connectors, and then click SOAPConnector.

  7. On the next screen, click Custom properties, and then click requestTimeout.

  8. If necessary, change 600 to 1800 in the Value box on the next screen. Click OK or Apply.

  9. In the Messages box, click Save directly to master configuration.

6.2.2 Increase the Deployer heap size

You must increase the heap size in the ejbdeploy.bat/sh script to avoid time-out errors.

Note: In WebSphere 8 and later versions, the ejbdeploy.bat/sh script is not installed by default. Therefore, you must install it separately to avoid errors during installation. For more information about adding the script, see EJBDeploy - Optional feature in WebSphere Application Server Version 8. AIX, Linux, or Solaris

  1. Go to the [appserver root]/deploytool/itp/ directory and open ejbdeploy.sh for editing.

  2. (Solaris only) In the SunOS section, find the EJBDEPLOY_JVM_OPTIONS attribute and change the value of the -XX:PermSize option to 256m, and ensure that the value of the -Xverify option is none.

  3. Add the heap size parameter at the end of the JAVA_CMD \ section:

    -Xms256m -Xmx512m

  4. Save and close the file. Windows

  1. Go to [appserver root]\deploytool\itp and open the ejbdeploy.bat file in a text editor.

  2. Find the line beginning with %JAVA_HOME% and then find the argument -Xmx.

  3. Change the argument to -Xmx512M.

 Save and close the file.

6.2.3 Increase MaxPermSize (WebSphere on Solaris)

  1. Log in to the WebSphere Administrative Console.

  2. In the navigation tree of the WebSphere Administrative Console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere Application servers and, in the right pane, click the server name.

  3. Under Server Infrastructure, click Java and Process Management > Process Definition.

  4. Under Additional Properties, click Java Virtual Machine.

  5. In the Generic JVM Arguments, enter the MaxPermSize parameter as -XX:MaxPermSize=512m.

  6. Click OK or Apply.

  7. In the Messages box, click Save directly to master configuration, and then restart the application server.

6.2.4 Configure inbound and outbound communication

Note: Perform these steps only if you have Global Security enabled on your WebSphere application server.
  1. In WebSphere administration console, navigate to Security > Global Security.

  2. In the Authentication section, click RMI/IIOP security.

  3. Click CSIv2 inbound communication and set Transport to SSL-supported. Click OK.

  4. In the Messages box, click Save directly to master configuration.

  5. Click CSIv2 outbound communication and set Transport to SSL-supported.

  6. Click OK.

  7. In the Messages box, click Save directly to master configuration. Click OK.

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