You must deploy LiveCycle applications
on Managed Servers in a domain; the Administration Server should
be reserved for management tasks. For information about creating
a server domain and about Administration and Managed Servers, see
the WebLogic product documentation.
Note: You must start the WebLogic Administration Server
using 64-bit Java. Before starting the Weblogic Administration server
using script, ensure that JAVA_OPTIONS=-d64 is
set in the environment.
Note: The following procedure highlights the changes
that are required to the default properties. For properties that
are not provided, accept the existing settings. For more information
about these screens, see WebLogic Help in the WebLogic Server Administration
7.5.1 Start Node ManagerYou must start the Node Manager
before you continue the remaining sections in this chapter.
From a new command prompt, navigate to the [appserver root]\server\bin directory
and type the appropriate command:
(Windows) startNodeManager.cmd
Note: On Windows, if you have installed Node Manager
as a Windows service, you must start the Node Manager service. If
not, use the command line option to start the Node Manager.
7.5.2 Create a new WebLogic Managed ServerIf WebLogic Administration Server is not already
running, from a command prompt, navigate to the [appserverdomain] directory
and type the appropriate command:
To access the WebLogic Server Administration Console, type http://[host name]:7001/console in
the URL line of a web browser.
Type the user name and password that were used to create
this WebLogic configuration, and then click Log In.
Under Change Center, click Lock & Edit.
Under Domain Structure, click Environment >Servers and,
in the right pane, click New.
In the Create New Server page, in the Server Name box,
type a name (such as server1) for your Managed
In the Server Listen Address box, type the computer
name or the IP address.
Note: Make note of this
value as you must use the same one when you configure the application
server and initialize the database when running Configuration Manager,
which defaults to localhost.
In the Server Listen Port box, type a port number
that is not currently in use, such as 8001. The
Administration Server is already using port 7001.
Click Finish and then click Activate Changes.
Under Change Center, click Lock & Edit.
Under Domain Structure, click Environment > Machines and,
in the right pane, click New.
In the Create New Machine page, type a name for the machine
in the Name box, select the operating system you are using
from the Machine OS list, and then click OK.
Click Environment > Servers and click the
name of the Managed Server you created.
In the Machine list, select the machine you just created.
Verify that the listen port is the same as the port number
you entered in step 8.
Click Save.
7.5.3 Memory settingsOn Solaris , Configuration Manager does not set the Maximum
Heap Size settings for WebLogic, therefore you must configure LiveCycle
manually using the WebLogic Server Administration Console.
Note: Configure this setting if you plan to upgrade to LiveCycle
ES4 Service Pack 1 or later and using Oracle JDK 1.7 On Red Hat
Enterprise Linux.
On the Configuration tab, click the Server Starttab.
In the Arguments box, type the appropriate text to
set the memory size for the Managed Server:
Click Save and then click Activate Changes.
7.5.4 Complete the memory settings for the Managed Server on WebLogicMove to the following directory: [WL_HOME]\user_projects\domains\[appserverdomain]\bin.
Edit the following file in a text editor:
Search for the line WLS_MEM_ARGS_64BIT=-Xms256m -Xmx512m and change
it to WLS_MEM_ARGS_64BIT=-Xms256m -Xmx1024m
Search for the line -XX:MaxPermSize=256m and
change it to XX:MaxPermSize=512m .
Note: You need to set the MaxPermSize parameter only
for 64-bit JVM for Solaris.
Note: Configure MaxPermSize if
you plan to upgrade to LiveCycle ES4 Service Pack 1 or later and
using Oracle JDK 1.7 with Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Save the changes and close the file.