3.7 LiveCycle IPv6 support

LiveCycle includes IPv6 support. The default configurations defined in the installation documentation for LiveCycle set IPv4 as the default IP protocol because this protocol has the most compatibility with third-party infrastructure.

Do not enable IPv6 unless your deployment must use it. The number of supported platform configurations is reduced when enabling IPv6 support with LiveCycle. You should verify that all third-party software, hardware, and networks that you plan to use have IPv6 support before you attempt to enable IPv6.

Note: If you are enabling CIFS in an IPv6 environment, you must explicitly enable IPv6 configuration after you configure your LiveCycle installation using Configuration Manager. See “Enabling CIFS in IPv6 mode” in the guide for your application server.

3.7.1 Supported IPv6 configurations

Not all infrastructure components support IPv6. For example, Oracle database does not support IPv6. You can use these databases by configuring the connection between the application server and the databases with IPv4, and the remaining communications over IPv6.

Check with your component vendor if IPv6 is supported.

3.7.2 IPv6 implementation guidelines

When you use IPv6 implementation either partially or fully, keep the following points in mind:

  • After installing LiveCycle, do not use the option to start the Configuration Manager directly from the LiveCycle installer. Instead, navigate to the [LiveCycle root]\configurationManager\bin\IPv6 directory, and run the IPv6-specific script (ConfigurationManager_IPv6.bat or ConfigurationManager_IPv6.sh) to launch the Configuration Manager.

  • If you have chosen to validate the application server configuration using the Configuration Manager, the validation will fail after you enable IPv6 for the application server. You can ignore this error message during the process. After you restart the application server in the IPv6 mode, the application server can connect to the database.

  • (WebLogic only) You need to enable IPv6 for the managed servers only. The Admin Server can continue to run on IPv4, and can be accessed with its IPv4 address. However, the managed server that you have started in IPv6 environment can only be accessed through its IPv6 address or a hostname resolved through DNS.

  • (WebLogic only) Even if you are running Configuration Manager on the same computer that hosts the application server, you must provide the listen address of the managed server for bootstrapping and deploying LiveCycle modules. This listen address must be the DNS name that resolves to IPv6 address of the computer.

  • To have a pure IPv6 communication with the database server, modify both EDC_DS and IDP_DS connection settings to use the hostname of the database which resolves to a numeric IPv6 address.

  • If you are installing LiveCycle on to a server cluster, you must map the numeric IPv6 addresses of each cluster node to the computer's host name in DNS or in the hosts file on each cluster node.The hosts file is located at:

    • Solaris: /etc/inet/ipnodes

    • Windows: C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

    • Linux:/etc/hosts

  • Many software components such as database drivers do not completely support numeric IPv6 addresses. So, it is recommended that you use a DNS-resolved hostname instead of numeric IPv6 addresses.

  • Ensure that name used for mapping IPv6 is added to the CSRF filter section. If the name is not added, see Preventing CSRF attacks in Administration Help.
    Note: Name used for mapping IPv6 must not contain square brackets ([]).
  • In an IPv6 environment, if you are using Microsoft SQL Server, you should specify the database server IP address in the following format. Note that in this string, ;serverName is a keyword, and so must not be replaced with the actual server name.
    jdbc:sqlserver://;serverName=<IPv6 address>; portNumber=<port>;databaseName=<db_name>

    Here, instead of the numeric IPv6 address, you can specify the hostname of the SQL Server database.

3.7.3 Configuring IPv6 for JBoss

  1. You can download and install JBoss from http://www.jboss.org/jbossas/downloads/ or obtain the jboss.zip file from the third-party directory on the installation media and extract the bundled JBoss.

  2. Modify adobe-ds.xml and the database-specific data source configuration file to connect to the LiveCycle database.

  3. Modify the login-config.xml file to connect to the LiveCycle database.

  4. For clusters, modify the jgroups-channelfactory-stacks.xml files to enable IPv6. Refer to Configuring LiveCycle Application Server Clusters Using JBoss.

  5. Modify the following files to enable IPv6:

    • (JBoss on Windows) [appserver root]\bin\run.conf.bat

      (JBoss on other platforms) [appserver root]\bin\run.conf

      • Change -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true to -Djava.net.preferIPv6Stack=true.

      • Add the -Djava.net.preferIPv6Addresses=true argument.

    • (JBoss 5.2 only on Windows)[appserver root]\bin\run.bat

      (JBoss 5.2 only on other platforms)[appserver root]\bin\run.sh

      • Delete -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true.

    • [appserver root]\bin\service.bat
      • Replace - b with -b <hostname mapped to IPv6 address>.

  6. Launch Configuration Manager by invoking the [LiveCycle root]\configurationManager\bin\IPv6\ ConfigurationManager_IPv6.bat or ConfigurationManager_IPv6.sh script.

  7. In the Configuration Manager, select the steps to configure EAR files, bootstrap and deploy LiveCycle modules.

  8. After the Configuration Manager process is completed, copy these EAR files to the [appserver root]\server\<profile_name>\deploy directory.

  9. Start JBoss from a command line.

  10. Provide Configuration Manager hostname of the computer that is mapped to its IPv6 address and then bootstrap the application server to deploy the LiveCycle modules.

3.7.4 Configuring IPv6 for WebLogic

  1. Install LiveCycle using the installer.

  2. Do not launch the Configuration Manager when the installer finishes. Launch Configuration Manager by invoking the [LiveCycle root]\configurationManager\bin\IPv6\ConfigurationManager_IPv6.bat or ConfigurationManager_IPv6.sh script.

  3. Select the options to configure LiveCycle EARs, WebLogic application server, and verify the application server settings using Configuration Manager.

Note: You will get an error message that the Configuration Manager validation of data source has failed. This is because the application server is not yet started in the IPv6 mode, and the data source is now configured in the IPv6 mode. You can ignore this warning at this stage.
  1. From the WebLogic Server Administration Console, change the application Server Start arguments of the managed server to enable IPv6.

    • Change -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true to -Djava.net.preferIPv6Stack=true.

    • Add the -Djava.net.preferIPv6Addresses=true argument.

  2. Change the listen address of the managed server to enable it using IPv6 address.

    • In the WebLogic Server Administration Console, select Environment > Servers > [managed server name]Configuration tab.

    • In the Listen Address field, enter the hostname of the computer. Ensure that this hostname resolves to the IPv6 address of this computer.

  3. Save the changes, and then restart the managed server.

  4. Launch Configuration Manager by invoking the [LiveCycle root]\configurationManager\bin\IPv6\ConfigurationManager_IPv6.bat or ConfigurationManager_IPv6.sh script.

  5. In the Configuration Manager, select the steps to deploy EAR files, bootstrap, deploy LiveCycle modules.

  6. Enter the same hostname as provided in the listen address field of the managed server.

Note: Even if you are running Configuration Manager on the same computer, you must provide the listen address of the managed server for bootstrapping and deploying LiveCycle modules.

3.7.5 Configuring IPv6 for WebSphere

  1. Install LiveCycle using the installer script. After the installation is complete, do not start the Configuration Manager when the installer prompts.

  2. Navigate to the [LiveCycle root]\configurationManager\bin\IPv6 directory, and run the IPv6-specific script (ConfigurationManager_IPv6.bat or ConfigurationManager_IPv6.sh) to launch LCM.

  3. Use the Configuration Manager options to configure EAR and the application server.

  4. Follow the steps in the Configuration Manager to configure the application server. While configuring database, provide hostname of database that is mapped to IPv6 address.

  5. Validate the application server configuration by Configuration Manager. Ignore the warning if data source validation fails. You can validate data sources from WebSphere Administrative Console.

  6. On the WebSphere Administrative Console, select Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > [server name] > Java and Process Management > Process definition > Java Virtual Machine. In Generic JVM arguments, add the -Djava.net.preferIPv6Addresses=true argument.

  7. Select Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > [server name] > Java and Process Management > Process definition > Java Virtual Machine, and click Custom Properties. Change java.net.preferIPv4Stack=true to java.net.preferIPv6Stack=true.

  8. Manually deploy the EAR files to WebSphere Application Server by using WebSphere Administrative Console. Configured EAR files are available at [LiveCycle root]/configurationManager/export folder.

  9. Restart WebSphere Application Server.

  10. Navigate to the [LiveCycle root]\configurationManager\bin\IPv6 directory, and run ConfigurationManager_IPv6.bat or ConfigurationManager_IPv6.sh to launch Configuration Manager.

  11. In the Configuration Manager, select the options to bootstrap and deploy LiveCycle modules. Provide the application server hostname that is mapped to IPv6 address.

Note: After you start the application server in an IPv6 environment, (with the flag -Djava.net.preferIPv6Stack=true), you can access it only through its IPv6 address or hostname mapped to IPv6 address.

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