5.3 Creating an Oracle database

If you prefer not to use the default database that was created when you installed Oracle 11g, create a new database by using the Database Configuration Assistant tool. LiveCycle supports Oracle 11g on WebLogic, WebSphere, and JBoss application servers.

Note: You can use the Transaction Processing or General Purpose templates while configuring an Oracle database instance for LiveCycle. If you wish to use the Custom Database template for configuring a database instance, the minimum set of database components you must include are Oracle JVM and Enterprise Manager Repository.

Do the following when you create your Oracle database:

  • Create user quotas to allow the database to grow to accommodate persistent data from LiveCycle applications.

  • Enable support for UTF-8 encoding.

  • Set Database Character Set to Unicode (AL32UTF8), and the National Character Set is AL16UTF16 (Unicode UTF-16 universal character set).

  • Set NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS to BYTE (if required). The database initialization fails if you set any other value.

  • You must install Oracle using Transaction Processing and set the connection mode for the server to Dedicated Processing.

5.3.1 User account and rights

Create a new user account on the database and assign it the following system privileges:







Important: (WebLogic only) When using WebLogic and an Oracle database, ensure that the database user name does not have a number as the first character, nor a hyphen (-) within the user name. Otherwise, the database does not bootstrap properly.
Note: For deployments on AIX, Linux, or Solaris, the user name must not exceed 8 characters; on Windows, it must not exceed 12 characters.

You need the following information when you configure the data source on the application server:

  • SID (Service ID)

  • User name and password of the Oracle user account

  • Host name or IP address of the database server

  • Oracle LISTENER port number (default is 1521)

For information about using Oracle 11g, see the appropriate user documentation.

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