9.5.3 Configuring Oracle database connectivity

Configuring the Oracle data source requires you to install the Oracle database drivers, create a Oracle JDBC provider on WebSphere, create the data source on WebSphere, and then configure the corresponding connection pool.

Install the Oracle 11g database driver

  1. In the [appserver root] directory, create a directory named db_driver.

  2. Copy the ojdbc6.jar for JDK 1.6 driver file from the [LiveCycle root]\lib\db\oracle directory to the directory created in step 1.

Create the Oracle JDBC provider

  1. In the WebSphere Administrative Console navigation tree, click Environment > Websphere Variables and, in the right pane, click ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH.

  2. Under General Properties, in the Value box, type the path to the database driver file, ojdbc6.jar for JDK 1.6, that you created in the Install the Oracle 11g database driver section.

  3. Click OK and then click Save directly to master configuration.

  4. In the navigation tree, click Resources > JDBC > JDBC Providers.

  5. In the Scope drop-down list in the right pane, select Node=NodeName, Server=ServerNameas the level, and then click New.

  6. In the Step 1 pane, set the following configuration:

    • In the Database type list, select Oracle.

    • In the Provider type list, select Oracle JDBC Driver.

    • In the Implementation type list, select Connection pool data source.

    • In the Name text box, modify the default content or leave it as is.

  7. Click Next and, in the Step 2 pane, accept the default database class path and click Next again.

  8. In the Step 3 pane, click Finish, and then click Save directly to master configuration.

Create the Oracle JDBC data source

  1. In the navigation tree, click Resources > JDBC > JDBC Providers and, in the right pane, click the provider that you created in the Create the Oracle JDBC provider section.

  2. Under Additional Properties, click Data sources and then click New.

  3. In the Enter basic data source information pane, set the following configurations and then click Next:

    • In the Data source name box,type Livecycle - oracle - IDP_DS.

    • In the JNDI name box, type IDP_DS.

    • In the list under Component-Managed Authentication and XA Recovery Authentication, select the authentication alias that you created for this data source in 9.5.1 Configure J2C authentication for data source.

  4. In the Enter database specific properties for the datasource pane, type the following line in the URL field:


    where [hostnamet] is the IP address of the database server, [port] is the port that the database is listening on (default 1521), and [SID] is the service ID of the database.

  5. (Oracle RAC only) In the Enter database specific properties for the datasource pane, type the following connection URL in the URL field:
    jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ENABLE=broken) (ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=  
    (HOST=yourhost2) (PORT=1521)) (LOAD_BALANCE=on) (FAILOVER=on)) 
    (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=dedicated) (SERVICE_NAME=service.yourcompany.com) 
    (FAILOVER_MODE=(TYPE=session) (METHOD=basic) (RETRIES=10) 

    Replace the highlighted text in the connection URL with the following values:

    • yourhost1: The name, IP address, or fully-qualified domain name of the first node in the cluster that hosts the database.

    • yourhost2: The name, IP address, or fully-qualified domain name of the second node in the cluster that hosts the database.
      Note: The cluster hosting the database could have n nodes. yourhost1 and yourhost2 are examples in the case of a two-node cluster.
    • service.yourcompany.com: The service name for the Oracle RAC database.

  6. Select Oracle 11g data store helper.

  7. Click Next and, in the Setup security aliases pane, click Finish.

  8. Click Save directly to master configuration.

  9. Select the data source you just created to modify additional parameters and set the following configuration:

    • In the Container-managed authentication alias list, select the authentication alias that you created for this data source in 9.5.1 Configure J2C authentication for data source.

    • In the Mapping-configuration alias list, select DefaultPrincipalMapping.

  10. Click OK or Apply and then click Save directly to master configuration.

  11. Change the statement cache size. Do the following tasks:

    • In WebSphere Administrative Console, click JDBC > Data sources.

    • Click the data source you just created and under Additional Properties, click WebSphere Application Server data source properties.

    • Change the value of the Statement cache size field to 80.

    • Click OK or Apply and the click Save directly to the master configuration.

Configure LiveCycle- oracle - IDP_DS connection pools:

  1. In the navigation tree, click Resources > JDBC > JDBC Providers and, in the right pane, click the Oracle JDBC Driver data source you just created.

  2. Under Additional Properties, click Data sources and then select Livecycle - oracle - IDP_DS.

  3. On the next screen, under Additional Properties, click Custom Properties and then change oracle9iLogTraceLevel to null (no value).

  4. Under Additional Properties, click Connection Pool Properties and, in the Maximum connections box, type 30.

  5. Click OK or Apply and then click Save directly to master configuration.

Configure the custom property for Oracle:

  1. In the navigation tree, click Resources > JDBC > Data sources and, in the right pane, click the data source that you created in the Create the Oracle JDBC data source section.

  2. Under Additional Properties, click Custom properties and then click New.

    • In the Name box, type useRRASetEquals and in the Value box, type true.

  3. Click OK or Apply and then click Save directly to master configuration.

Create the Oracle JDBC data source for Rights Management

Note: This section applies only if you have Rights Management installed.
  1. In the navigation tree, click Resources > JDBC > JDBC Providers and, in the right pane, click the provider that you created in the Create the Oracle JDBC provider section.

  2. Under Additional Properties, click Data sources and then click New.

  3. In the Enter basic data source information pane, set the following configurations and then click Next:

    • In the Data source name box, type Livecycle - oracle - RM_DS.

    • In the JNDI name box, type EDC_DS.

    • In the list under Component-Managed Authentication and XA Recovery Authentication, select the authentication alias that you created for this data source in 9.5.1 Configure J2C authentication for data source.

  4. In the Enter database specific properties for the datasource pane, type the following line in the URL field:


    where [server_host] is the IP address of the database server, [port] is the port that the database is listening on (default 1521), and [SID] is the service ID of the database.

  5. Select Oracle 11g data store helper.

  6. Click Next and, in the Setup security aliases pane, click Finish.

  7. Click Save directly to master configuration.

  8. Select the data source (RM_DS) you just created to modify additional parameters and then set the following configuration:

    • In the Container-managed authentication alias list, select the authentication alias that you created for this data source in 9.5.1 Configure J2C authentication for data source.

    • In the Mapping-configuration alias list, select DefaultPrincipalMapping.

  9. Click OK and then click Save directly to master configuration.

  10. Change the statement cache size. Do the following tasks:

    • In WebSphere Administrative Console, click JDBC > Data sources.

    • Click the data source you just created and under Additional Properties, click WebSphere Application Server data source properties.

    • Change the value of the Statement cache size field to 80.

    • Click OK or Apply and the click Save directly to the master configuration.

Configure LiveCycle- oracle - RM_DS connection pools for Rights Management:

Note: This section applies only if you have Rights Management installed.
  1. In the navigation tree, click Resources > JDBC > JDBC Providers and, in the right pane, click the Oracle JDBC Driver data source you just created.

  2. Under Additional Properties, click Data sources and then select Livecycle - oracle - RM_DS.

  3. On the next screen, under Additional Properties, click Connection Pool Properties and, in the Maximum connections box, type 20.

  4. Click OK or Apply and then click Save directly to master configuration.

Configure the custom property for Oracle:

  1. In the navigation tree, click Resources > JDBC > Data sources and, in the right pane, click the provider that you created in the Create the Oracle JDBC data source for Rights Management section.

  2. Under Additional Properties, click Custom properties and then click New.

  3. In the Name box, type useRRASetEquals and in the Value box, type true.

  4. Click OK or Apply and then click Save directly to master configuration.

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