5.2 Installing LiveCycle

  1. Do one of the following:

    • From the download site, download and extract the entire JBoss_DVD.zip file (the LiveCycle Electronic Software Download or ESD file) to your file system. Be sure to keep the directory hierarchy unchanged from the JBoss_DVD.zip file.

      • After extracting the ZIP file, launch the installer using one of the following methods:

      • (32-bit systems)double-click the install.exe file from the \server\Disk1\InstData\Windows\VM folder

      • (64-bit systems) double-click the install.exe file from the \server\Disk1\InstData\Windows_64\VM folder

    • From the JBoss DVD, navigate to the \server folder. Launch the installer using one of the following methods:

      • (32-bit systems)double-click the install.exe file from the \server\Disk1\InstData\Windows\VM folder

      • (64-bit systems) double-click the install.exe file from the \server\Disk1\InstData\Windows_64\VM folder

    Note: 32-bit version is for development and evaluation purposes only.
    Note: For 32-bit installation, ensure that Adobe_JAVA_HOME environment variable is set for the 32-bit version of JDK.
  2. When prompted, select the language for installation, and then click OK.

  3. On the Introduction screen, click Next.

  4. On the Preparation for Upgrade screen, do one of the following tasks:

    • Select Prepare to upgrade existing installation to Adobe LiveCycle ES4 to upgrade current installation to LiveCycle ES4.

    • Select Install Adobe LiveCycle ES4 to install LiveCycle ES4.

    Note: This screen appears only if you have previous version of LiveCycle installed.
  5. On the Choose Install Folder screen, accept the default directory as listed or click Choose and navigate to the directory where you want to install the product, and then click Next. This directory is referred to as [LiveCycle root].

    Note: It is recommended that the installation directory path should not exceed 40 characters. And it must not contain international or special characters.
  6. On the Choose Installation Type screen, select the installation type and click Next:

    • Select Turnkey under Typical as the installation type for a typical turnkey installation. Turnkey option installs LiveCycle, JBoss 5.1 application server, MySQL 5.1.30 database, and JDK 1.6.0_31, see 4 Installing and Configuring - Turnkey

    • Select Partial Turnkey under Custom if you want to use a database other than the preconfigured MySQL database and JDK. LiveCycle and the JBoss application server are installed by default.

    • Select Manual if you do not want a turnkey installation but instead want a custom install using any database, application server, and JDK. This option is selected by default if you already have a JBoss application server and MySQL database installed on your system with their Windows service names identical to those created by the LiveCycle installer.

    Note: For Manual installations, see the Installing and Deploying LiveCycle guide for your application server. Also, review all preparatory steps in Preparing to Install LiveCycle before continuing.
  7. In the Database section:

    • If installing a new database: select Include the turnkey MySQL(5.0), click Next.

    • If using existing database: select Use my Database and select the database type you are using, click Next.

  8. (For MySQL provided with the installer only) Set the MySQL root administrator password and, optionally, type your MySQL port number. This screen will appear only when Include the Turnkey MySQL option is selected.

    Note: MySQL does not allow special characters or spaces in the user name or password. Ensure that you record this password for future reference.
    • To verify that the port number is available for use, click Test. If the port is available, the installer displays a green check mark. If the port is in use, the installer displays a red X.

    • If the port is in use, type a new port number and repeat the process until you find a port that is available. Clicking Reset populates the port box with the default port number 3306.

  9. Read the JBoss Application Server License Agreement and, if you agree, select I accept and then click Next.

  10. (For MySQL provided with the installer only) Read the MySQL License Agreement and, if you agree, select I accept, and then click Next. This screen will appear only when Include the Turnkey MySQL option is selected.

  11. Read the LiveCycle License Agreement and, if you agree, select I accept, and then click Next.

  12. Review the pre-installation summary, and then click Install. The installation program displays the progress of the installation. This process takes several minutes to complete.

  13. Review the Release Notes and click Next.

  14. On the Install Complete screen, choose one of these options:

    • If no service pack updates are required, ensure that Start Configuration Manager is selected, and then click Done.

    • If service pack updates are required, deselect the Start Configuration Manager option and click Done to exit the installer.

    Note: If you deselect Start Configuration Manager and exit the installer, you can run Configuration Manager later by using the ConfigurationManager.bat file located in [LiveCycle root]\configurationManager\bin.

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