4.2 LiveCycle pre-configuration tasks

Note: Press F1 in Configuration Manager to view Help information for the screen you are viewing. You can view the configuration progress at any time by clicking View Progress Log.
  1. If you did not start Configuration Manager automatically from the installation program, navigate to the [LiveCycle root]/configurationManager/bin directory and run the ConfigurationManager.bat/sh script.

  2. If prompted, select a language for Configuration Manager to use and click OK.

  3. On the Welcome screen, click Next.

  4. Do not select any option on the Upgrade Task Selection screen and click Next.

  5. On the Modules screen, select Adobe LiveCycle ES4 modules you wish to configure and click Next.

    Note: Some modules have technical dependencies on other modules for proper configuration and functioning. Configuration Manager displays a dialog and does not allow to proceed further if mutually dependent modules are not selected. For example, you must select Adobe LiveCycle Forms, Adobe LiveCycle Output, and Content Repository modules if you are configuring Correspondence Management Solution.
  6. On the Task Selection screen, select all the tasks you want to perform and click Next.

    Note: Tasks Configure Application Server, Validate Application Server, and Deploy LiveCycle ES4 EAR files are not available for JBoss application server.

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