4.4 Changing the default global time-out

End users can authenticate to LiveCycle through Workbench, LiveCycle web applications, or custom applications that invoke LiveCycle server services. One global time-out setting is used to specify how long such users can interact with LiveCycle (using a SAML-based Assertion) before they are forced to reauthenticate. The default setting is two hours. On a production environment, the amount of time needs to be reduced to the minimum number of minutes acceptable.

4.4.1 Minimize reauthentication time limit

  1. Log in to Administration Console by typing the following URL in a web browser:

            http://[host name]:[port]/adminui
  2. Click Settings > User Management > Configuration > Import And Export Configuration Files.

  3. Click Export to produce a config.xml file with the existing LiveCycle settings.

  4. Open the XML file in an editor and locate the following entry:

    <entry key="assertionValidityInMinutes" value="120"/>

  5. Change the value to any number greater than 5 (in minutes) and save the file.

  6. In Administration Console, navigate to the Import And Export Configuration Files page.

  7. Enter the path to the modified config.xml file or click Browse to navigate to it.

  8. Click Import to upload the modified config.xml file and then click OK.

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