4.2 Disabling non-essential anonymous access to services

Some LiveCycle server services permit unauthenticated (anonymous) invocation for some operations. This means that one or more operations exposed by the service may be invoked as any authenticated user or as no authenticated user at all.

  1. Log in to Administration Console by typing the following URL in a web browser:

            http://[host name]:[port]/adminui
  2. Click Services > Applications and Services > Service Management.

  3. Click the name of the service that you want to disable (for example, AuthenticationManagerService).

  4. Click the Security tab,deselect Anonymous Access Allowed, and click Save.

  5. Complete steps 3 and 4 for the following services:

    • AuthenticationManagerService

    • EJB

    • Email

    • JobManager

    • WatchedFolder

    • UsermanagerUtilService

    • Remoting

    • RemoteEvents

    • RepositoryProviderService

    • EMCDocumentumRepositoryProvider

    • IBMFilenetRepositoryProvider

    • FormAugmenter

    • TaskManagerService

    • TaskManagerConnector

    • TaskManagerQueryService

    • TaskQueueManager

    • TaskEndpointManager

    • LCMTMInvoker

    • UserService

    • WorkspaceSearchTemplateService

    • WorkspaceSignleSignOn

    • WorkspacePropertyService

    • OutputService

    • FormsService

    If you intend to expose any of these services for remote invocation, you should also consider disabling anonymous access for these services. Otherwise, any caller with network access to this service may invoke the service without passing valid credentials.

    Anonymous access should be disabled for any services that are not needed. Many internal services require anonymous authentication to be enabled because they need to be invoked by potentially any user in the system without being preauthorized.

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