The Expression Manager building block can be divided into
two modules: server-side expression evaluation and client-side expression
evaluation. This diagram depicts the overall architecture of this
Server-side expression evaluationThe server-side expression evaluation module provides the
capability to evaluate expressions on the server side.
The Expression Evaluator service is the core of the server-side
expression evaluation module. It provides APIs for expression evaluation
and validation. Expressions can be evaluated in single or batch
mode. This component acts as a wrapper to the expression evaluation
library (JSP EL). The actual expression evaluation task is delegated
to the expression library.
An expression evaluation service requires an instance of Variable
Resolver to retrieve values of variables referenced inside expressions.
Typically an expression requires a Function Mapper to resolve function
references inside expressions to actual functions which can be called
by the expression evaluation service. For use-cases where the values
of variables used in expressions are drawn from properties of Data
Dictionary instances, the Data Dictionary building block provides
a variable-resolver implementation which can be used by applications.
Variable Resolver: used to retrieve the value
of variables used in expressions by expression evaluation library.
Function Mapper: used to resolve function references
in expressions to actual invoke-able functions.
Client-side expression evaluation using FlexThe client-side expression evaluation module provides the
capability to evaluate expressions in a Flex client application,
without a server roundtrip. The Flex Expression Manager can interpret
and evaluate JSP-EL compliant-expressions on the client-side. The
IExpressionManager interface (
is the entry point into client-side expression evaluation. Consuming
applications are expected to pass a JSP-EL compliant expression.
Applications can also pass a target variable to an IExpressionManager
instance using assignTo() or one of the manage*() methods.
Applications retrieve an IComputedExpression instance to obtain
the resultant evaluation of the expression. If a target variable
is provided to the Expression Manager, the variable is automatically
set and updated, when the expression recomputes, with result of
expression evaluation. The client-side expression manager requires
a variable resolver and a function mapper to resolve variable references
and function calls inside expressions
The IComputedExpression instance returned by Expression Manager
to calling applications serves as a live container for the result
of expression evaluation. The container is live in the sense it
contains a bindable value property (the result
of expression evaluation) which auto-updates whenever an expression-recomputation
event occurs. Examples of such events include a value-change for
a variable which is used inside the expression, or an asynchronous
remote function call returning successfully. The IComputedExpression
instance also dispatches an event (an instance
of named computationErrorEvent.
The event is dispatched whenever an error occurs during evaluation
of the expression such as if an asynchronous remote function calls
errors out. The error property of the event contains the error which
occurred during evaluation.
Applications can use an IComputedExpression instance one of two
ways: For simple use-cases where the expression is evaluated
once, applications can read the value property
of the IComputedExpression instance immediately. This mechanism
does not work for expressions containing remote function calls which
are asynchronous by nature. The value property
read initially from the IComputedExpression instance is a garbage
value. The value is auto-updated to the correct value when the remote
function call returns successfully later.
For longer-running use-cases applications can bind to the value property
of the IComputedExpression instance using standard Flex binding.
For example, a user interface field is bound to the result of expression
evaluation. Applications listen to events of type "computationErrorEvent"
on the IComputedExpression instance for detecting errors during
expression evaluation. That binding is the only mechanism which
works for expressions containing remote function calls which are
asynchronous by nature.
class is the default implementation of the IExpressionManager interface.
Applications are expected to create an instance of this class, configure
it with a variable resolver and function mapper, and use it for
expression evaluation.