You can customize functionality of this module by defining
your own expression evaluator bean. Typically you create a DefaultEXPEvaluator
instance, and inject the variable-resolver and function-mapper implementations
into it. To create your own expression evaluator bean: Create a custom OSGi bundle.
Configure the Spring context for the bundle.
Ensure the EXM and JSP-EL classes are imported into the bundle’s
manifest. These packages are required for Expression Manager: com.adobe.exm.exception
"In the Spring context, define a bean which is an instance
of the com.adobe.exm.expeval.DefaultEXPEvaluator class or some custom
extension of it. Then configure it with a variable resolver and
function mapper as follows: <bean id="<expevaluator_id> " class="com.adobe.exm.expeval.DefaultEXPEvaluator" >
<lookup-method name="createVariableResolver" bean="<variable_resolver_bean_id>"/>
<property name="functionMapper" ref="<function_mapper_bean_id>"/>
Ensure that the variable resolver is an instance of a class
which implements the com.adobe.exm.expeval.EXPVariableResolver interface.
The Expression Manager building block provides a simple map-based
implementation which is probably unsuitable for all but the most
trivial of use-cases. However, the Data Dictionary building block
provides a more mature variable-resolver implementation which can
be used in use-cases where the values of variables are drawn from
properties of Data Dictionary instances.
The function mapper bean must be an instance of a class which
implements the javax.servlet.jsp.el.FunctionMapper interface. The
Expression Manager building block provides a function-mapper implementation
(exposed as an OSGi service) which aggregates custom functions exported
by other bundles deployed in the same CRX container using auto-discovery.
To use this function-mapper implementation, import it as a Spring
bean using BluePrint as follows: <bp:reference id="<function_mapper_bean_id>"
Inject the expression evaluator bean into your own custom
bean and use it for expression evaluation using one of the evaluate*()