When you create calculations and scripts in Designer, you
should be aware that the objects on which you are adding scripts
are actually defined as XML objects in the underlying XML Forms
Architecture. That means while the Standard tab of the Object Library
palette contains a wide variety of objects, many of those objects
are defined by the same XML object. As a result, the various scripting properties
and methods that are available are based on the definition of the
XML object, and not the object in the Object Library palette.
available in the Standard tab of the Object Library palette that
are based on the same base XML object definition share a set of
common properties and methods. If you are referring to the Scripting Objects section, you determine
the set of properties and methods available based on the corresponding
base XML object. Similarly, each base XML object definition contains
a child object that specifically controls the visual appearance
of the Designer object.
For example,
if you want to browse the properties and methods that are available
for a Date/Time Field object in Designer, you would start with the field object. If you want
to browse the corresponding XML object that controls the visual
appearance of the Date/Time Field, view the dateTimeEdit object.
The table below illustrates the mapping between objects that
you see in the Standard tab of the Object Library palette in Designer,
and the corresponding XML Form Architecture object.