Validating a date by using a script

The Validate a Date snippet demonstrates validating a date based on a date range that the user enters.

In this example, the user selects a date from a calendar and then specifies the start and end dates to validate the specified date against. The form compares the specified date against the date range and reports whether the specified year, month, and day are valid.

To add script to the Validate button

form1.#subform[0].Button1::click - (JavaScript, client) 
Status.clearItems(); //Clear the status listbox. 
// Create a date() for parsing information. 
var sDate = Date.rawValue; 
var oDate = util.scand("yyyy-mm-dd", sDate); 
if(oDate == null) 
{"Pleae enter a valid date."); 
// Store date values. 
var nYear = oDate.getFullYear(); 
var nMonth = oDate.getMonth() + 1;  // 0 based 
var nDay = oDate.getDate(); 
// Validation flags. 
var bStartYear = false; 
var bEndYear = false; 
var bStartMonth = false; 
var bEndMonth = false; 
var bStartDay = false; 
var bEndDay = false; 
// Validate the year range. 
if((StartYear.rawValue == null) || (StartYear.rawValue <= nYear)) 
    bStartYear = true; 
if((EndYear.rawValue == null) || (EndYear.rawValue >= nYear)) 
    bEndYear = true; 
if(bStartYear && bEndYear) 
    Status.addItem("valid year"); 
    Status.addItem("invalid year"); 
// Validate the month range. 
if((StartMonth.rawValue == null) || (StartMonth.rawValue <= nMonth)) 
    bStartMonth = true; 
if((EndMonth.rawValue == null) || (EndMonth.rawValue >= nMonth)) 
    bEndMonth = true; 
if(bStartMonth && bEndMonth) 
    Status.addItem("valid month"); 
    Status.addItem("invalid month"); 
// Validate the day range. 
if((StartDay.rawValue == null) || (StartDay.rawValue <= nDay)) 
    bStartDay = true; 
if((EndDay.rawValue == null) || (EndDay.rawValue >= nDay)) 
    bEndDay = true; 
if(bStartDay && bEndDay) 
    Status.addItem("valid day"); 
    Status.addItem("invalid day");

To see similar examples, visit the LiveCycle Developer Center.

// Ethnio survey code removed