In a traditional printed document, margin refers
to an area around the outside edges of the page where no printing
occurs. In interactive forms, the term margin refers only
to the buffer of white space around the inside edges of an object’s border.
To increase the amount of white space around the outside edges
of a form, you must reduce the size of the content area on the master
page. By default, the border of the content area is 0.25 inches
from the edges of the form. To create extra white space in which
to place a header or footer or to make adjustments to support printer
limitations, you must make the default content area smaller.
The area bounded by the content area determines where objects
can be placed on the pages of a form. The default subform on a page
is the same size as the default content area on a master page, and
the margin settings of the default subform are set to 0 inches.
Changing the margin settings of the default subform on a page also
influences where objects are positioned. Increasing the subform’s margin
settings decreases the area where the subform’s objects may be rendered.
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- A.
- Objects can be placed on pages inside the area bounded
by a content area. The border represents the edge of the content
- B.
- This area external
to the content area represents white space on the page.
All of the objects that you place on a master page are displayed
on each associated page, regardless of whether you place those objects
inside or outside the content area. If you are setting up a watermark,
you place the objects that make up the watermark inside the content
If you are designing a form that contains subforms that flow
content, and you do not want the objects on the master page to interfere
with objects that are placed on pages, you must position the master
page objects outside the content area; that is, somewhere on the
white space that you create on the master page. If you place objects
inside the content area, other objects may be placed on top of the master
page objects when the form is rendered.