To use the first master page one time only

You can set minimum and maximum page-occurrence values to use the first master page one time only, or you can specify the master page’s placement as the first page in the page set.

By default, all form designs are created with the option of applying master pages by setting minimum and maximum occurrence values. Although different, the result of the rendered page using either option is the same. However, if the form is intended for double-sided printing, use the placement options.

Keep in mind that if you define the placement of the master pages in a form design and then you switch to setting page-occurrence values, you may have to make some changes to the form before it will behave as expected. Also, defining the placement of master pages is recommended only for form designs saved as Acrobat 8 (Static) PDF forms or for form designs intended for printing, including PCL and Postscript.

To use the first master page one time only by specifying minimum and maximum page-occurrence values

  1. In the Hierarchy tab, click the first master page, Page1.

  2. Click the Object palette and do the following tasks:

    • Select Restrict Page Occurrence.

    • Select Max and then type 1 in the corresponding box.

  3. Save the form design.

To use the first master page one time only by specifying the master page’s placement in the page set

  1. In the Hierarchy tab, click the first master page, Page1.

  2. In the Object palette, click the Pagination tab

  3. Select First Page (in Page Set) in the Placement list.

  4. Save the form design.

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