Setting page break controls

Designer provides ways to control the page breaks that are inserted when a form that has a flowable layout expands beyond the bottom edge of a rendered page:

Widow and Orphan Control
Lets you prevent a single line of text from being separated from the rest of a paragraph when a page break is introduced. A widow is the last line of a paragraph that appears by itself at the top of the next page. An orphan is the first line of a paragraph that appears by itself at the bottom of a page.

Keep With Next
Lets you keep a text object or text field object with the next object in the document when a page break is introduced.

Allow Page Breaks Within Content
Allows page breaks within the content of a text object or text field object.

When both the Keep with Next and Allow Page Breaks Within Content options are selected, the Allow Page Breaks Within Content option is considered first followed by the Keep with Next option.

The Widow and Orphan, Keep With Next, and Allow Page Breaks Within Content options are not available for objects on a master page or in artwork.

You can set the default page break options for new forms, page break options for an individual form, and page break options for selected objects by using the various options in the Form Properties dialog box, Options dialog box, and Object palette.

To control widow and orphan lines for new forms

Use the Formatting page in the Options dialog box to control widow and orphan lines for new forms. The widow and orphan functionality can prevent a single line of text in all text and text field objects in the form from being separated from the rest of a paragraph when page breaks are introduced. The widow and orphan control ensures that a minimum of two lines from the paragraph are kept together.

To control widow and orphan lines for new forms:

  1. Select Tools > Options.

  2. Click Formatting and select Widow and Orphan Control.

  3. Click OK.

To control widow and orphan lines for a form

Use the Formatting tab in the Form Properties dialog box to control window and orphan lines in all text and text field objects for individual forms.

The default setting that initially appears in the Form Properties dialog box is inherited from the Options dialog box on the Formatting page. The default setting automatically applies to all new forms. If you change the default setting in the Form Properties dialog box, the new setting overrides the setting in the Options dialog box for the current form. The Widow and Orphan Control option in the Options dialog box does not change.

Note: To modify widow and orphan lines for new forms, use the Options dialog box. (See To control widow and orphan lines for new forms.)

To control widow and orphan lines for an individual form:

  1. Select File > Form Properties.

  2. Click the Formatting tab and select Widow and Orphan Control.

  3. Click OK.

To remove widow and orphan control from a form

You can remove widow and orphan control from the text and text field objects.

To remove widow and orphan control from a form:

  1. Select File > Form Properties.

  2. Click the Formatting tab and deselect Widow and Orphan Control.

  3. Click OK.

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