To create sample data to print with your form

You can print a final version of the current form design using sample data to ensure that the form prints correctly. If you do not have sample data, you can create it using Acrobat.

After you create the sample data file, you can specify which data file to use when printing the form. The next time you print the form in Designer, the sample data will appear in the respective objects.

  1. In Designer, save the form design as a PDF file.

  2. Open the PDF file in Acrobat and enter values in the fields you want to test.

  3. In Acrobat, do these tasks:

    • Select Advanced > Forms > Export Form Data.

    • In the Export Form Data As dialog box, name the file and save it as XML Data Package (*.xdp).

  4. In Designer, do these tasks:

    • Select File > Print.

    • Select Print Form With Data.

    • To print the form with a data source, use the Browse button to navigate to the test data XML file. You can also enter the full path to your test data XML file in the Data File box.

    • Click OK.

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