Subform properties in the Pagination tab
When you
select a subform, the Pagination tab in the Object palette displays several
pagination options.
where the subform will be placed.
- Following
- Places the subform after the previous object in the parent subform.
- In Content Area > [name_of_content_area]
- Places the subform in the specified content area.
- Top of Next Content Area
- Places the subform at the top of the next content area.
- Top of Content Area > [name_of_content_area]
- Places the subform at the top of the specified content area.
- On Page > [name_of_page]
- Places the subform on the specified page (introduces a page
break if one does not occur naturally).
- Top of Next Page
- Places the subform at the top of the next page (introduces
a page break if one does not occur naturally).
- Top of Page > [name_of_page]
- Places the subform at the top of the page, whenever the specified
page is rendered (introduces a page break if one does not occur
- On Odd Page
- Places the subform on pages that are set to print on odd
- Top of Next Odd Page
- Places the subform at the top of the odd page whenever the
specified page is rendered (introduces a page break if one does
not occur naturally).
- On Even Page
- Places the subform on pages that are set to print on even
- Top of Next Even Page
- Places the subform at the top of the even page whenever the
specified page is rendered (introduces a page break if one does
not occur naturally).
Keep With PreviousKeeps the subform within the same content
area as the previous subform.
Keep With NextKeeps the subform within the same content area
as the next subform.
which area to fill after the subform is placed.
- Continue Filling Parent
- Continues merging data for all objects remaining to be filled
in the parent subform.
- Go to Next Content Area
- Starts filling the next content area.
- Go To Content Area > [name_of _content_area]
- Starts filling the specified content area.
- Go To Next Page
- Starts filling the next page.
- Go To Page > [name_of _page]
- Starts filling the specified page.
- Go To Next Odd Page
- Starts filling the next odd page.
- Go to Next Even Page
- Starts filling the next even page.
Conditional BreaksSpecifies the number of conditional breaks that
have been defined for the subform.
an overflow for a subform that spans pages.
- None
- Starts filling the next page (introduces a page break if
one does not occur naturally).
- Go To Content Area > [name_of _content_area]
- Starts filling the specified content area.
- Go To Page > [name_of _page]
- Starts filling the specified page.
Overflow LeaderSpecifies an overflow leader for a subform that
must be paginated.
- [name_of_subform]
- Uses this existing subform as the overflow leader.
- None
- Does not use an overflow leader when paginating the subform.
- New
- Creates a new overflow leader subform in Designer and set
it as the overflow leader when paginating this subform.
Overflow TrailerSpecifies an overflow trailer for a subform that
must be paginated.
- [name_of_subform]
- Uses this existing subform as the overflow trailer.
- None
- Does not use an overflow trailer when paginating the subform.
- New
- Creates a new overflow trailer subform in Designer and set
it as the overflow trailer when paginating this subform.
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