If the source of a data connection is based on a relational
data model, associations among elements and attributes are displayed
as referenced data nodes. Referenced data nodes have a unique icon
and are named using both the association and the name of the target
or referenced element.
This diagram shows referenced data nodes that are child nodes
of the Holding and Person elements. The association (owner, spouse,
primaryResidence, holdings) and the referenced element (Person,
Holding) are included in the node name.
You can use reference nodes to create subforms and fields by
dragging the node or its parent to the page. You can also use the
Data View palette menu Generate Fields command to create bound form
objects. However, not all referenced data nodes are automatically
available for binding to form objects. By default, when you create
fields using a parent node, only the first level of descendants
is included. Subsequent descendants (indicated by a red circle and
bar in the icon) are not automatically included. Use the context
(right-click) menu to include or exclude a referenced data node.
This diagram shows the default binding settings for the Person
element. Referenced data nodes that are children of the element
are included, but subsequent descendants are excluded.
To include a referenced data node when its parent node
is used to create bound objects, right-click the node, and then
click Include Referenced Data.
To exclude a referenced data node when its parent node is
used to create bound objects, right-click the node, and then click
Exclude Referenced Data.