Importing Adobe Output Designer Form files

To import Output Designer files (IFD) into Designer, you must install Output Designer 5.5 or later on the same computer as Designer.

Designer displays the File Import Options dialog box each time you import an Adobe Output Designer Form file.

  1. Select File > Open.

  2. In the Files Of Type list, select Adobe Output Designer Form (IFD).

  3. Select the file to open, and click Open.

  4. In the File Import Options dialog box, select options as needed:

    • To generate a temporary log file, in the Generate a Trace Log of the Conversion Process list select one of the following:

      • \TEMP\ConvertIFD.log Creates a log file in your systems's temporary folder that records information about the conversion process.

      • \TEMP\inputfile.log Generates a log file in your system's temporary folder using the same name as the input file. Generates a log file for each imported file.

    • To use the Output Designer configuration file to generate PDF form file, select Use Output Designer PDF Configuration. Uses an Output Designer configuration file (pdf.ics) and a compiled version of the configuration file (pdf.icf) to generate a PDF form file.

    • To synchronize field objects with matching names to use global data binding, select sync Like Named Fields As Global. Applies a global value to all field objects in the form with the same name.

    • To remove all un-named subforms from the hierarchy, select Import Fields Only.

  5. Click OK.

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