Fields without captions
Identifies fields for which captions are
not specified
Select the field. Go to the Layout tab
and specify a valid caption in the Caption group
Fields with no assist text
Identifies text fields for which alternate text
or tooltip is not specified
Select the field. Go to the Accessibility tab and
enter an appropriate description in the Custom Screen
Reader Text or the Tool tip text field.
Tables with no header row
Identifies tables for which a header row
in not defined
When you add a table to a form, select Include
Header Row in Table in the Insert Table dialog
Images with no alternate text
Identifies images for which alternate text is
not specified
Select the image. Go to the Accessibility tab
and enter an appropriate description in the Custom Screen
Reader Text field.
Read order and tab order diverge
Identifies if the read order and the tab order
of a form are not identical.
This happens if a user goes to
the Tab Order tab and changes the tab order of the form
Go the Tab Order tab
and ensure the tab order of form is identical to the read order
Primary Locale
Identifies if the Primary Locale of the
form is not specified.
By default, Designer uses the locale
of the system where the form is created
Go to File -> Properties. In the Defaults tab,
select a locale from the Form Locale drop-down
Form Title
Identifies if a title is not specified for
the form
Go to File -> Properties. In the Info tab, enter
a valid title in the Title field
Check for presence of scripts
Warns the form author that scripts are present
in the form. The author needs to check for accessibility violations
Verify that if the scripts perform any updates
to the form, these updates comply with the accessibility rules
Check for repetitive hyperlinks
Warns the form author that if link text
of a hyperlink is repeated more than two times in a form
Check for roles
Identifies if one or more roles are specified for
static text objects
Identifies if subforms for which the role List
is specified contains list items
Select the static text object. Go to the Accessibility tab
and specify a valid role
From the Object Library add a nested
Subform to the Subform. Go to the Accessibility tab
and specify the role as List Item