Adding a title and logo to the form design

Providing an image and title helps the user identify the process they are starting or are involved in. You add a title and logo to the form design by adding form objects to the form design. Form objects represent entities on a form design, such as text, text fields, images, and check boxes.

Add a logo to the form design

  1. In the topmost toolbar in Designer, between the plus and minus icons, select 100% to change the size of the form design.

  2. In the Object Library palette, in the Standard category, drag the Image object  to the upper-left corner of the form design.

  3. In the Object palette, select the Embed Image Data check box.

  4. Beside the URL box, click the Browse button. The Browse For Image File dialog box appears.

  5. Navigate to the Images folder, select financeLogo.jpg, and then click Open.

Add a title to the form design

  1. In the Object Library palette, in the Standard Category, drag the Text object on to the form design and position it beside the Image object you added earlier.

  2. Delete the default text and type Preliminary Loan Approval Form. (By default, you can type text in the Text object.)

  3. Triple-click the text you typed to highlight it.

  4. In the topmost toolbar, change the font size to 24, and then click Bold the button.

  5. Select File > Save to save the form design.

You have added a title and logo to your form design, which now looks like this illustration.

View full size graphic
Form design with title and image.

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