Configuring Assign Task (User 2.0 service) operations

Configure the Assign Task operations in the process diagram for these reasons:

  • The user who is involved with the process. For example, configure the Review And Approve Loan Form operation to assign the task to John Jacobs, who is the loan officer.

  • The instructions to display to the user in Workspace.

  • The form and form data to display to the user.

  • Buttons to complete the task in order to choose the next step in the process when multiple routes are available. The next step is based on the button that the user clicked. Typically, when multiple routes are configured from an operation, you add conditions to each route to determine the next step to take. The Assign Task operation can be configured to let the user choose the next step in the process. For example, for the Review And Approve Loan Form operation, you can click an Approve and Deny button.

Configure the Review and Approve Loan Form operation

  1. In the editor for PreLoanProcess, click the Review and approve loan form operation.

  2. In the Process Properties view, click the Initial User Selection property group and complete these steps to configure the user who is assigned the task:

    • Beside the Assign To Specific User box, click Browse. The Select User dialog box appears.

    • Select John Jacobs and click OK. If you did not configure the LiveCycle Sample Environment, select another user. (See Understanding the sample environment.) Remember which user you selected because you need to log in as that user to perform testing later.

  3. Click the Task Instructions property group. Complete these steps to specify the instructions displayed to the user in Workspace:

    • In the rightmost list, ensure that template is selected. Use Template values to specify strings that are a combination of text that you type and values from process variables.

    • Beside the Task Instructions box, click the Insert or replace XPath expression button. The XPath Builder dialog box appears.

    • Double-click process_data > formData > xdp > datasets > data > LoanApp > Name and click OK. In the Task Instructions box, {$/process_data/formData/xdp/datasets/data/LoanApp/Name$} appears. As shown in the following illustration, to double-click Name, you must expand the tree structure.

      XPath Builder.
    • After the {$/process_data/formData/xdp/datasets/data/LoanApp/Name$} text, add a space and type has requested a loan. Please review the form and click Approve or Deny. in the box.

  4. Click the Presentation & Data property group and complete these steps to specify the data to merge with the form:

    • Ensure that the use an application asset option is selected.

    • In the Application Asset area, beside the Asset box, click the ellipsis button. The Select Form Asset dialog box appears.

    • Click FirstApp > FirstApp/1.0 > PreLoanForm and click OK.

    • In the Variable list, select formData.

  5. Click the User Actions property group and complete these steps to add buttons for the user to complete their task:

    • Click Add A User Action button. The Action Properties dialog box appears.

    • In the Action Name box, type Approve to replace the default text.

    • In the Destination list, select Set Form To APPROVED, and click OK.

    • Click the Add A User Action button to add a second button.

    • In the Action Name box, type Deny to replace the default text.

    • In the Destination list, select Set Form To NOT APPROVED, and click OK.

    • Select the This action needs confirmation, and will use the following text as the message check box.

    • In the box below the check box, type Do you really want to deny the loan request? Click OK.

  6. Click the Output property group to configure the location to store the output results from the operation by completing these steps:

    • Beside the Task Result, click the Create A Variable button. The Variable dialog box appears. The type of Task Result is automatically provided.

    • In the Name box, type approverResults and click OK.

    • In the Outputdata list, select formData to save changes that were possibly made to the form.

Configure the View Approval Status

  1. In the editor for PreLoanProcess, click the View approval status operation.

  2. In the Process Properties view, click the Initial User Selection property group and select the Assign to process initiator option. Selecting this option routes the form back to the user who started the process.

  3. Click the Task Instructions property group and type Your loan form has been reviewed. If the loan was approved, a Fin@nce representative will contact you within three business days. in the Task Instructions box. This step specifies the instructions displayed to the user who is reviewing the approval status of the form.

  4. Click the Presentation & Data property group to configure the form design and data to merge by completing these tasks: (The merged form is displayed to the user in Workspace.)

    • Ensure that the Use an application asset option is selected.

    • In the Application Asset area, beside the Asset box, click the ellipsis button. The Select Form Asset dialog box appears.

    • Click FirstApp > FirstApp/1.0 > PreLoanForm and click OK.

    • In the Variable list, select formData.

  5. Click the Output property group and, in the Outputdata list, select formData.

  6. Select File > Save.

You have configured the Review And Approve Loan Form and View Approval Status (Assign Task) operations.

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