Enter special characters in Correspondence Management asset names

Sometimes, you may want to create Correspondence Management solution assets that contain special characters in their names. To do so, you must first define the list of special characters that you want to use in the tbxeditor-config XML file.

Follow these steps:
  1. Log in to the CRX console at http://<servername>:<port>/crx/de/index.jsp as an admin user. The default admin credentials are admin/admin.

  2. Edit the content/cm/tbxeditor-config.xml file.

  3. Enter the special characters within the customAssetNameCharset tag. For example, to enable the French character set, enter the special characters À, Î , Ù, etc within the tag.

  4. Save the XML file.

  5. Now, to use any character in the Editor Properties dialog, enter Alt + <ASCII value of the special character>.

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