Accessibility shortcuts for Correspondence Management tools

Drop-down menus


Ctrl + Down


Ctrl + Up

Text editor

Forward tab from the RichTextEditor to the DDE panel


Ctrl + Tab

Backward tab from the DDE panel to the RichTextEditor


Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Search a DDE from the list in the Data Elements panel

Ctrl + Alt +S

Center-align text

Ctrl + E

Left-align text

Ctrl + L

Right-align text

Ctrl + R

Justify text indentation

Ctrl + J

Increase the font size

Ctrl+Shift+less than sign (<)

Decrease the font size

Ctrl+Shift+greater than sign (>)


Ctrl + Z


Ctrl + Y


Ctrl + Alt + B


Ctrl + Alt + I


Ctrl + Alt + U

Asset Management UI

New Asset

Ctrl + Alt + N (focus is shifted to the Create New Asset drop down menu)

Edit Asset

Enter key

View Asset

Ctrl + V, Ctrl + Alt + V

Publish History

Ctrl + Alt + H


Ctrl + C, Ctrl + Alt +C

Revert To Previously Published

Ctrl + Shift + P, Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P

Ready To Publish

Ctrl + Alt + R


Ctrl + Alt + P

View Dependencies

Ctrl + D

Import Package

Ctrl + Alt + I

Export Assets

Ctrl + Alt + E

Export Report for Letter

Ctrl + Alt + T

Deselect a protected checkbox

Follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to the DDE and press the F2 key. The focus shifts to the protected checkbox.

  2. Press the Space key to select/deselect the checkbox.

Press the Esc key to bring the DDE panel back in focus.

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