Scenario: Creating a Correspondence using the Create Correspondence user interface

The Correspondence Management Solution centralizes and manages the creation and delivery of correspondence enabling you to quickly assemble correspondence from both preapproved and custom-authored content. The Correspondence Management Solution separates document design from content management which means you do not need to redesign the document whenever the content changes.

Using the Create Correspondence user interface, you can easily create or modify correspondences for your requirements.

Implementation overview

For instruction on how to use the Create Correspondence user interface to create or modify a correspondence see Correspondence Management Solution Walkthrough.

Tools used

  • The Create Correspondence user interface to create or modify a correspondence.

  • The Manage Assets user interface to modify letter templates and change attributes of content fields in the Correspondence Management system.

Team members

Customer interfacing employees such Claims Adjustors, Case Workers perform the tasks described in this scenario.

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