Working with images

For more information on images, see Scenario: Creating text and images.

  1. Open the Manage Assets user interface. If you have installed the solution template and sample users, you can go to the sample portal at http://<server>:<port>/lc/cm/manageassets.html. Log in using your appropriate credentials (such as user name as tgoldman and password as your password).

  2. Click New > Image or select an image asset and click Edit.

  3. Specify the following information for the image:

    • Name: Type a unique name for the image asset. No two assets (text, image, condition, or list) in any state can exist with the same name.

    • Description: Type a description of the asset.

    • Category: Select a category for the image. The System Administrator defines the categories.

    • Subcategory: Select a subcategory for the image. The System Administrator defines the subcategories.

    • Image File: Click the file browser and select the image file to upload.

    • Caption: Type a caption of the asset.

    • Data Dictionary: Select the data dictionary to which to connect. Only assets that use the same data dictionary as the letter, or assets that have no data dictionary assigned, can be selected. Assigning a data dictionary to an image makes it easier for the person creating a letter template to find the appropriate image.

    • Comment: Enter an optional comment. If you are editing an existing asset, you can use this box to indicate the reason for the edit.

  4. Click OK.

You cannot assign a condition to a copy of itself while creating the condition. To handle this, you need to first save the copy with a different name and then assign the original condition to the copy,

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