Set page break at text, condition, or list level

You can set the page break at the text module, condition or list asset level. If you set the page break attribute of one of the assets to false, the contents of the asset does not break across pages.

  1. Open an asset (text module, condition or list).

    The page break attribute for an asset is set to true, by default. Notice, the Page Break toggle button on the toolbar is selected.

  2. Click and deselect the Page Break toggle button to set the page break attribute to false.

    This will cause the contents of the asset not to break across pages.

    Page Break toggle button on the toolbar is unselected.

  3. Click Done to save your changes.

  4. Add the asset to a letter instance and preview the letter.

The contents of the asset does not break across pages.

Important: If you set the page break attribute of a module to false and the contents of the module is more than one page, the contents is truncated. This implies that the contents of the module beyond the page will be lost.

// Ethnio survey code removed