Correspondence Management Sample Users

Correspondence Management Solution includes the following sample users who are expected to participate in the activities leading to generation of interactive customer communication:


Groups Assigned


Todd Goldman (tgoldman)

Correspondence Management Administrator

This user is the general system administrator. This role enables the user to modify all assets. This role also lets define the categories.

Heather Douglas (hdouglas)

Correspondence Management Subject Matter Expert

This persona has the role enabling them to Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete texts and images

Caleb Lopez (clopez)

Correspondence Management Application Specialist

This user defines the letter template by judicious usage of the text, picture, condition, list objects. With this role, the user can Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete the letter templates, layouts, lists, conditions, texts, and images

Gloria Rios (grios)

Correspondence Management User

A customer interfacing employee such as a claims adjuster or case worker who uses the letter template defined by the business user to produce the letter communication to deliver to the customer

Jocelyn Robinson (jrobinson)

Correspondence Management Form Designer

This user has the skills to design form layouts using Adobe® LiveCycle® Designer. Having equipped with the necessary know-how to design form layouts for use in correspondence management. This user uses Designer, and designs the XDP templates, which would serve as the boilerplate for the letter.

Frank Kricfalusi (fkricfalusi)

Correspondence Management Developer

This user has the knowledge about XSD schema and data modeling concepts and is responsible for creation and maintenance of Data Dictionaries.

All the user and group information and their relations are captured in a configuration file (template-correspondencemanagement-pkg) which is read during bootstrap.

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