Manage attachments

Correspondence Management lets you manage reusable attachments, such as legal documents and annexures, that may be associated with one or more letter templates. You can upload an attachment, search for it, update it, or view all letter templates with which it is associated.

Upload an attachment

Follow these steps to upload an asset:
  1. Click Assets > New > Content.

  2. Enter a name and description for the new attachment.

  3. Optionally, select a category and subcategory for the attachment.

  4. Upload the attachment file in the Content File field.

  5. Optionally, enter a caption and comment for the attachment.

  6. Click OK.

Associate attachments with a letter template

Using the Manage Assets user interface, you can associate a letter with attachments.

Follow these steps to associate attachments with a letter template:

  1. Create a new letter or double-click a letter template in the Manage Assets UI to open it for editing.

  2. Select Attachment View from the view drop-down menu.

  3. Specify a suitable value in the Max Number of Attachments field.

  4. Select one or more available attachments from the Attachment Library in the right pane and click Insert.

  5. Mark attachments as Mandatory (*) or Preselected (), as necessary.

  6. Click the (Library Access) icon if you want agents to have access to the attachment library at runtime.

  7. Click the Lock Order icon if you want to maintain the order of attachments.

  8. Click Done.

Note: It is recommended that you attach only PDF and Microsoft Office documents.

Manage attachments while previewing the letter

When the agent previews the letter, she can remove the preselected attachments or add new ones, subject to the total cap on the number of attachments that can be associated with the letter template.
  1. Preview a letter template in the Manage Assets UI.

  2. Select Attachment View from the view drop-down menu.

  3. As necessary, deselect any preselected attachments or select additional attachments from the attachment library. The interface indicates how many attachments have been uploaded out of the total limit (for example: 2/4).
    You can click the Up and Down arrow icons to change the order of attachments. Click the - icon to delete non-mandatory attachments, if necessary.
  4. Continue performing other operations in the correspondence workflow.

Attachment delivery

  • The letter attachments are available post process in the PDF, which is created after letter submission.

  • When the Letter is rendered using Server side APIs as an interactive or non-interactive PDF, the rendered PDF contains attachments as PDF attachments.

  • When a post process associated with a letter template is invoked as part of the Submit or Complete Correspondence operations using the Create Correspondence UI, attachments are passed as the List<com.adobe.idp.Document> inAttachmentDocs parameter.

  • Out-of-the-box delivery mechanisms, such as Email and Print, also deliver attachments along with the PDF of the generated correspondence.

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