The Letter Instance asset type

The Letter Instance asset type has the following metadata associated with it (in addition to standard format attributes like PDF File, Processed XDP, and XML Data):

Letter Instance Name
This attribute is useful for uniquely identifying a letter instance.
Note: A default name is generated when the agent submits or saves the letter. It is generated from the key elements of a DD. In case of no DD or no key elements of DD or no value for the key elements a unique identifier is assigned to the instance name. The generated name will have Letter Name as prefix and the key Element Values will be sepearted by '_'. This name can be changed in the Properties dialog for the letter instance. On Submit or Save as Draft if the letter instance with a same name already exists, user will be prompted with an Alert and on OK the Properties dialog is opened allowing the user to change the name and resubmit.

Letter Instance Type
An enum with values Complete (for letters saved as draft) or Final(for submitted letters)

Action Log
contains information about actions performed on a letter instance. The timestamps for the actions are maintained as well.

Letter Name
Name of the letter template

Letter Description
Description of the letter template

Letter Comment
Comments on the letter template

Letter Category Name
Name of the category associated with the letter template

Letter Subcategory Name
Name of the subcategory associated with the letter template

Submission Date
Date of submission of the letter

Submitted By
Name/ID of the agent who submitted the letter

Extended Properties
All custom properties associated with letter templates are copied to the letter instance.

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