Creating static tables using fragments

Tables are sometimes created with rows having a different number of columns. This user story describes how to create a table of terms & conditions, where each row represents one condition and each condition can have different subparts. Each part is shown in a separate column.

Implement this scenario by creating three fragment layouts:
  1. Fragment layout that contains three rows. Each row has a single column containing a target area which could be bound to other fragment layouts. This fragment layout is FLWith3Rows.

  2. Fragment layout that contains a single row with two columns. Each column contains a target area. This fragment layout is bounded to target areas in first and third row of FLWith3Rows. This fragment layout isFLWith2Cols.

  3. Fragment layout that contains a single row with three columns. Each column contains a target area. This fragment layout is bounded to target area in second row of FLWith3Rows. This fragment layout is referred as FLWith3Cols.

To create the forms:

  1. Open LiveCycle Designer and create a Form.

  2. Add a table containing a single row with only one column.

  3. Add subform to the table column. Ensure that you change the layout of table’s parent subform to flowed and remove the bindings of the subform in table.

  4. Save the Form (such as TCMain.xdp). This form is used to create FLWith3Rows.

  5. Create a form using LiveCycle designer.

  6. Add a table with single row and single column to this form.

  7. In table creation dialog deselect both header and footer row.

  8. Add a subform to the table cell. Ensure that you change the layout of table’s parent subform to flowed and remove the bindings of the subform in table.

  9. Save the Form (such as TCSub.xdp). This form is used to create FLWith2Cols and FLWith3Cols.

Create the fragment layouts, and letter template:
  1. Open the Manage Assets user interface and select option to create new fragment layout.

  2. Name this fragment layout FLWith3Rows. Select the form you saved in step 4 for the template.

  3. Select the Table tab and increase the row count to 3.

  4. Save the fragment layout.

  5. Create two fragment layouts FLWith2Cols and FLWith3Cols using TCSub.xdp. In FLWith2Cols, in the table customization step, increase the column count to 2. In FLWith3Cols, in the table customization step, increase the column count to 3. Set the width ratio to 1 for all the columns to provide equal space in row.

  6. Create a letter template. For main layout, select any layout that contains at least one target area of sufficient size to accommodate table.

  7. Go to content tab and map fragment layout FLWith3Rows to the target area.

  8. There are three targets corresponding to three rows of FLWith3Rows, map FLWith2Cols to the first and third row, map FLWith3Cols to the second row.

  9. Map new target areas to text modules representing terms and conditions.

  10. Create new text modules, if necessary.

  11. Save the letter and render it into PDF. At the time of rendering, all the fragments are inserted in the base template.

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