Modifying the Manage Assets user interface by changing System DataDictionary
Manage Assets user interface related preferences can be
configured with Asset Type Definition which is a System Data Dictionary
representing the Asset type. By default, Manage Asset Solution template
delivers the preconfigured Data Dictionaries for Correspondence
Management asset types under the CorrespondenceManagementSolutionTemplate\package-resources\apps\solutions\cm\assetDefinitions
folder in form of FML files.
To modify the System Data Dictionary
to the CorrespondenceManagementSolutionTemplate\package-resources\apps\solutions\cm\assetDefinitions\TextModule.fml
Select a property ucatName, such as Category, and modify
it. For example:
The annotation columnOrder determines
the ordering of the new column with respect to default columns.
You can change columnOrder for other properties,
provided the new column is not placed at last. Adding the visible property
displays the Category column every time you only search for a text
asset. FMLs for other assets can also be modified in a similar manner.