To reload the correspondence, load the Correspondence Management
application using the cmData or cmDataUrl parameter and feed the
XML data from the previous submit. When using the cmData parameter,
the XML data is provided inline in the URL. For example:
http://[server]:[port]/cmsa/dc?cmData=<XML data>
Depending on the size of the XML data, you can use the
cmDataUrl parameter to
provide the XML from a source file using basic protocols such as
ftp, http, or file. For example:
Important: When you specify a file or http path for
the cmDataUrl parameter, you need to URL encode the path. For example,
you need to URL encode http path http://<server>:<port>/cmsa/CustomDataUrl?ssn=1234 to http%3a%2f%2f<server>%3a<port>%2fcmsa%2fCustomDataUrl%3fssn%3d1234.
Note: You do not have to specify the cmLetterId or cmLetterName/State/Version when
reloading a correspondence, since the submitted data contains the
ID of the correspondence that is reloaded. If cmLetterId or cmLetterName/State/Version
are specified, the loaded correspondence object's ID must match
the ID specified in the given XML data.
The cmAppName needs to be specified in the url for the
Correspondence Management department for which we are reloading
the letter. For example:
http://[server]:[port]/cmsa/dc?cmAppName=<CM App name>