Documentation and resources

The documentation set and associated resources are a guide for planning, installing, developing, and delivering Correspondence Management solutions using the Adobe LiveCycle.

Architects, designers, and developers also have access to a range of support offerings and resources through Adobe and its partner community.




Solution Guide for Correspondence Management

Solution architects, business analysts, project managers, designers, application specialists, and developers

Introduces the Solution and provides the following information:
  • Overview of the Solution

  • Analyzing your current correspondence

  • User stories

  • Solution walk-through

  • How to use the Manage Assets user interface

Installation guide

Administrators, developers

Describes how to install and configure the Solution.

Developer guide


Provides technical details on the following information:
  • Architecture

  • Components of the Solution

  • How to set up your development environment.

  • Developer user stories

Building block technical guides


Provides technical details about how to implement the building block components in your solution. The building block technical guides include this information:
  • Overview of the building block

  • Architecture

  • How the building block works

  • Detailed descriptions of building block assets such as services, processes, tooling, and schemas.

  • Implementation details about the user stories

ActionScript® 3.0 Reference


Contains the ActionScript language elements, core libraries, and component packages and classes for the tools, runtimes, services, and servers in the Adobe® Flash® Platform.

API Reference (Javdocs)


Describes the Java® API interfaces and classes for the Solutions.

Adobe developer connection

Solution architects, business analysts, project managers, designers, and developers

The LiveCycle Developer Center includes Quick Start content, tutorials, videos, downloads, sample, technical guides, blogs, and much more.

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