Correspondence Management solution allows you to rebrand
its solution template to retain brand value and adhere to your organization’s
branding standards. If you are considering rebranding the Correspondence
Management interface, typically, you may have the following items
to rebrand:
Company name
Changing the Correspondence Management logo
In Flash Builder, open the Manage Assets project
in the Package Explorer view.
Navigate to ManageAssets > src > assets > logos and
place the updated logo png file in the folder.
Depending on your requirements, you can configure the list
of fonts available in the text editor of the Create Correspondence
and Manage Assets user interfaces. To do so:
to file [CorrespondenceManagementSolutionTemplate]\package-resources\content\cm\tbxeditor-config.xml
and open it. The file contains a list of fonts as follows:
After deploying the package, the Text editor font menu drop-down
list contains the modified list. Ensure that the fonts added are
included in your system’s Font directory.