Scenario: Rebranding Correspondence Management

Correspondence Management solution allows you to rebrand its solution template to retain brand value and adhere to your organization’s branding standards. If you are considering rebranding the Correspondence Management interface, typically, you may have the following items to rebrand:
  • Logo

  • Company name

  • Skins

Changing the Correspondence Management logo

  1. In Flash Builder, open the Manage Assets project in the Package Explorer view.

  2. Navigate to ManageAssets > src > assets > logos and place the updated logo png file in the folder.

  3. Navigate to ManageAssets > src > > skins > ApplicationHeaderSkin.mxml > ApplicationHeaderSkin > DefaultLogo: Class.

  4. Double click the skin to open it in the Editor.

  5. Replace the path with a custom logo image file. For example:
  6. Rebuild and redeploy the Solution template to view the changes. For information on rebuilding and redeploying, see Building and deploying the Solution Template

Configuring List of fonts

Depending on your requirements, you can configure the list of fonts available in the text editor of the Create Correspondence and Manage Assets user interfaces. To do so:
  1. Navigate to file [CorrespondenceManagementSolutionTemplate]\package-resources\content\cm\tbxeditor-config.xml and open it. The file contains a list of fonts as follows:
      <font>Courier New</font> 
      <font>Times New Roman</font> 
  2. Add or delete the fonts as required from the tbxeditor-config.xml file.

  3. Rebuild and Redeploy. For information on rebuilding and redeploying, see Building and deploying the Solution Template.

After deploying the package, the Text editor font menu drop-down list contains the modified list. Ensure that the fonts added are included in your system’s Font directory.

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