Calling the Create Correspondence application from a custom portal

There are various patterns in terms of how this integration can be achieved:

  • URL-based invocation: One way to call the Create Correspondence application from a custom portal is to prepare the URL with the following request parameters:
    • the identifier for the letter template (using the cmLetterId parameter), or the name of the Letter template (using the cmLetterName parameter)

    • the URL to the XML data fetched from the desired data source (using the cmDataUrl parameter).

    For example, the custom portal would prepare the URL as http://<server>:<port>/content/cm/createcorrespondence.html?cmLetterId=<letter identifier>&cmDataUrl=<data URL>, which could be the href from a link on the portal. If the portal has the Letter template name at hand, then the URL could be http://<server>:<port>/content/cm/createcorrespondence.html?cmLetterName=<letter name>&cmDataUrl=<data URL>.

    Note: It is expected the data to call Create Correspondence has been saved/uploaded at the given <data URL> before calling of the Create Correspondence application. This could either be done from the custom portal itself, or via a different backend process.

    Calling in such a way is not secure since the necessary parameters are passed along as a GET request, by exposing the same (clearly visible) in the URL.

  • Inline data-based invocation: Another (and a more secure) way to call the Create Correspondence application could be to simply hit the URL at http://<server>:<port>/content/cm/createcorrespondence.html, while sending the parameters and data to call the Create Correspondence application as a POST request (hiding them from the end user). This also means that you can now pass along the XML data for the Create Correspondence application inline (as part of the same request, using the cmData parameter), which was not possible/ideal in the previous approach.

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