Based on
the requirements, you can override/replace a building block service using
your own implementation of the service.
Implementation overview
To add a custom service, add the custom implementation
for the building block service in the CorrespondenceManagementSolutionTemplate/Services
project. Implement the existing service interface while providing
a custom implementation for the service. For example, to provide
custom implementation for CategoryService, implement the "" interface.
Add the following bean entry to the CorrespondenceManagementSolutionTemplate\Services\resources\META-INF\spring\cm\adobe-cm-spring-config.xml
Note: These
are sample configurations assuming that the fully classified name
of the custom implementation class is "com.adobe.icc.CustomCategoryServiceImpl".
Add the following entry to the <bp:blueprint> section
of CorrespondenceManagementSolutionTemplate\Services\resources\META-INF\spring\osgi-context.xml
Note: This configuration exposes
the custom category service with the higher rank than the original
category service. The two service properties also override the category
service exposed on the http endpoint with the custom category service.
Create an XML file at the location CorrespondenceManagementSolutionTemplate\package-resources\etc\aep\config\dataservices\destinations\remoting
to expose the updated remoting destination with the following information:
Note: This configuration overrides
the category service exposed on the remoting endpoint with the custom
category service. This step is important because the Flex code is
already written and is tied to the remoting id of the original service.
To replace it, make the custom service with higher rank available
with the same remoting id.