Scenario: Adding new letters and customers to the Create Correspondence interface

You can add new letters and customers to the Create Correspondence interface in the Correspondence Management solution template. Addition of a letter should be succeeded by provision of data that specifies the customer name to which the letter is to be added. This holds true for a customer where you should specify the letter to be added for the customer in the data.

Implementation overview

Important: This section assumes that you have integrated your enterprise system with Correspondence Management solution template. It describes the method by considering the Finance Corp sample necessitating that the method to add letters/customers may be different per the design of your enterprise system. See Scenario: Integrating the Create Correspondence application with your enterprise system for more information.

Adding letters to the Create Correspondence interface

  1. Add the letter entry to InsuranceCorrespondance.xml, placed at CorrespondenceManagementSolutionTemplate/package-resources/content/financecorp/config. The entry in the XML is the actual name of the letter displayed in the dropdown. Note that this is reflected when displaying the letter in the Manage Assets interface.

  2. Add the customer data to CorrespondenceManagementSolutionTemplate/package-resources/content/financecorp/assets/Letter/{Letter name}\Data{Cutomer Name}.xml, where Letter name reflects the name of the letter you just added.

Adding customers to the Create Correspondence interface

  1. Add the customer details to ExampleData.xml, placed at CorrespondenceManagementSolutionTemplate/package-resources/content/financecorp/config.

  2. Add the customer data to CorrespondenceManagementSolutionTemplate/package-resources/content/financecorp/assets/Letter/{Letter name}\Data{Cutomer Name}.xml, where Letter name reflects the name of the letter you just added.

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