Create a CSS file to use these skin classes, and add the CSS to the main project file index.mxml

Create a CSS file, such as custom_css.css:
/* CSS file */ 
@namespace s "library://"; 
@namespace mx "library://"; 
@namespace presentation "*"; 
@namespace custom "com.adobe.customizations"; 
@namespace customizations "com.adobe.customizations.*"; 
@namespace presentation1 "*"; 
                skinClass : ClassReference("com.adobe.customizations.ExtendedAssetEditorStackSkin"); 
                skinClass : ClassReference("com.adobe.customizations.ExtendedLetterEditorSkin"); 

Update index.mxml file to include this custom CSS file (include after including all other CSS files).

<fx:Style source="/css/custom_css.css"/>

Rebuild and redeploy the Solution template to view the changes. For information on rebuilding and redeploying, see Building and deploying the Solution Template

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