
These properties can be split on either the value or the range based on a fixed range size, such as split integer value in a set of 500 or split float value in the set of 100. For example, all nodes with a split property, and an absolute value between -500 to 500, go to the folder inside 500. The split is performed based on bucket size 500. If you want to split node with the exact value of the property, then set the splitPattern to 1. For float and double values, split happens on the part of the value. For example, if bucket size is 100, then -10.9, 30, 30.5, 100.99, 100 all go to the bucket number 100.
    <property name="intProperty"> 
    <property name="integerProperty"> 
    <property name="floatProperty"> 

// Ethnio survey code removed