To add a department to the Manage Assets user interface

  1. Navigate to:

    CorrespondenceManagementSolutionTemplate\package-resources\ etc\aep\config\correspondencemanagement\AppsConfig.xml

  2. Within the appsConfig/applications tag, add one application tag for each department that you need to add to the Manage Assets interface. The application tag contains the following attributes:

    A unique identifier for each department

    Name of the department

    The department name to be displayed in the Manage Assets user interface.

    To localize the display name, in the displayName attribute, you need to specify the property name that you will define in the locale specific property file.


    To localize the display name Human Resources.
    1. In the Human Resources application tag (as defined above), specify the display name as:

    2. In the respective localization property files, specify the value of property
      • /etc/aep/config/correspondencemanagement/locale/

      • /etc/aep/config/correspondencemanagement/locale/

      • /etc/aep/config/correspondencemanagement/locale/

      • /etc/aep/config/correspondencemanagement/locale/

      • /etc/aep/config/correspondencemanagement/locale/

      • /etc/aep/config/correspondencemanagement/locale/

      • /etc/aep/config/correspondencemanagement/locale/

      • /etc/aep/config/correspondencemanagement/locale/

      So, in the default properties (for English): = Human Resources

      Important: The localization property files are located in the locale folder: CorrespondenceManagementSolutionTemplate\package-resources\etc\aep\config\correspondencemanagement\locale
    3. Similarly, you need to add this property for each of the required languages.

  3. Rebuild and Redeploy. For information on rebuilding and redeploying, see Building and deploying the Solution Template.

Important: By default, the appsConfig/applications tag does not contain any application tag. This means, that if you want to add any departments, you will need to add the Correspondence management tag:

<application id="cm" groupName="" displayName="Correspondence management" />

You can use the procedure in step 2, above, to localize the Correspondence management display name.

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