12.3 Starting and stopping JBoss

Several procedures in this appendix require you to stop and start the instance of JBoss where you want to deploy the product.

All JBoss start configurations are located in the [appserver root]/server directory. For JBoss obtained directly from Red Hat, either use one of the JBoss provided start configurations (all, default or minimal) or a custom configuration.

12.3.1 Start JBoss

  1. From a command prompt, navigate to [appserver root]/bin.

  2. Start the application server by typing the following command:

    • (Windows) run.bat -c [profile_name] -b [server_IP_Address]

    • (Linux and Solaris) ./run.sh -c [profile_name] -b [server_IP_Address]

    where [profile_name] is the configuration required for your database and [server_IP_Address] is the IP address of the server.

12.3.2 Stop JBoss

  1. From a command prompt, navigate to [appserver root]/bin.

  2. Stop the application server by typing the following command:

    • (Windows) shutdown.bat -s [server_IP_Address]:<jndi -port>

    • (Linux and Solaris) ./shutdown.sh -s [server_IP_Address]:<jndi -port>

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